January 08, 2006

On positive Thinking

To make your ideas turn into realities, don't forget to look at reality first.

Positive Thinking

Positive thinkers, or what we call optimistic people, seem to look at ideals first before they look at realities. Some optimistic people say they look at reality before making ideas and/or ideals. But it seems that their idea confuses me and makes me think in such deep thought. If you really are looking at the real things before making ideals, why does it seem you regret to see that there is a real hideous reality that we can't escape? I am a pessimist and I dare not question other people's thoughts but they just seem too vague.

There is a reality we have to face here. The world is merely crumpling to bits because of our own mistakes and mischief. It's something that would most probably come out of a pessimist's mouth, right? But isn't this also the reality we are enduring? To make things short, let's focus on the Philippine setting since that is mainly what I can view and criticize. Look at our water supply. It's about time we get some technologies from other countries so that we can have water clean enough to drink. But why won't we? It's because of the financial crisis we are facing. Now this starts another argument. Why are we having a financial crisis? Isn't it because some people are too selfish to even think of their countrymen that they can't even donate a single penny to the poor? Or are some people just plain corrupt that money is what makes their worlds go round? Yes, pessimistic, isn't it? But it seems optimistic people would want to think that these people are using our money to make projects such as roads and the like? That we have beautiful parks to look at and the like? But the real thing is there are no roads to look at. There is no fresh air that we can breathe. But still, we look at things positively. It's the way optimists think and it confuses me. Why can't they accept reality as much as pessimists can? I can't say there is a middle ground on this. They are contradictory ideas.

This confuses me even more. So does it mean that if you're a pessimist, you are more ready to accept the fact we experience now? Or are we merely lowering ourselves too much in a sense that the ideals and/or ideas of the optimists turn into a reality? I actually don't think so. Yes, it may seem that pessimists are more ready to face reality but are they ready to make ideas? And, are optimists ready to turn their ideas into realities? There's always the down side, right? But why is it that sometimes, optimists and pessimists argue whenever they do not understand each other's opinions? Optimists would say that pessimists are thinking too much of the down side of things; Pessimists would say otherwise. But aren't they both right? Both sides have an argument to say, and they are merely not helping each other out of their problems. Ironic. But still, isn't the sake of arguing and debating the reason we are living? It's it because of the imperfections of our life that makes us seek for perfection? Wouldn't that be the purpose of like? Therefore, our reason for living is partly to seek for arguments and hate? So in the contradiction of hate, which is love, we complete the reason for living and continue to live perfectly? Is it because in our imperfection we gain perfection?

If this is so, we can conclude that positive thinkers do not do more than negative thinkers. They're equal in a sense that both sides have a deep and agreeable point. We need to argue but not in a sense we'll tear each other into pieces. We argue because we need to look at each other's opinion and go into equilibrium.


JM said...

In my humble opinion, I think optimism is not anchored on one's perspective, but is a state of mind.

Okay, I confused myself there. What I mean to say is, more than being an absolute point of view, optimism is nothing but a mere motivation to clearly achieve a goal.

Sure, the optimist says the glass is half-full, but saying it is half-full is like a wish, not an opinion. It's not a fact, but a belief, a possibility.

Optimists see the reality too. Saying that to mean that not all realities are bad. ^__^ Optimists just see the good out of the bad situation.

Though, may point ka sa equilibrium. :P

Just my two cents, don't mind me. =p

Bea Litao said...

I just have a friend to whom I would like to point this out to...

...oftentimes thinking positive thinking is the key to success...

... but it really isn't always.

'wag kang mag-alala. malabo lang talaga ako mag-isip.